Last Updated:  September 28, 2024

Sitemap for "A Good Community"

This sitemap of the "A Good Community" website gives you a link to every page on the site, organized according to the major sections you will find on the menus.    Everything in blue is a link. Here is how the sitemap is organized.

1. The major topics are displayed in larger type. Most are blue, meaning you can access them directly through the link as well as through the main navigation menu. Content pages are arranged under the appropriate topic.

2. After those major content divisions, we show links to the many visitor-generated questions and our answers, as well as some stories sent by website visitors, arranged by the sub-topics used on the site.

3.  The page concludes with the Site Information items.

We also have created PDF files for viewing or downloading that capture links to all our pages of particular interest to certain groups. Just click on the bold type for your area of interest:  NeighborhoodsDistressed NeighborhoodsPlanning CommissionerHOA Boards and MembersRuralSuburbanBusiness DistrictLocal Government Officials, Code Enforcement IssuesCommunity Development Corporations (CDCs), International Developing NationsRegional, Arts and Community DevelopmentGreenway Planning, Congregational Leadersand Working with Lower-Income PopulationsThis way you don't need to comb through every category to find pages of interest. 

You may still have to scan the sitemap and use the search feature to find topics of particular relevance to your own community, but these files give you a head start.

Community Improvement Projects

Community or Neighborhood Organizations

Housing Issues for Communities

Community Beautification

City or Community Planning

Zoning, Subdivision Regulations, and Other Regulatory Methods

Code Enforcement, now Under Zoning and Regulation

Community Challenges, Common Topics, and Concepts

A. Crime Prevention

B. Economic Development

C. Redevelopment

D. Sprawl (and Regional Economics), and How It Affects Your Neighborhood 

E. Sustainability Topics Neighborhoods and Communities May Want to Consider

F. Planning and Community Development Terms

G. Other Important Concepts

Visitor Community Development Questions & Answers

Note: Ask a question on a form for that purpose on the community development question page or on its sub-pages, and probably you will receive an online answer or several from the site editor and/or visitors.

We have separated the questions and answers into categories, which we present first.  Uncategorized Q&A are the last entries in this section. 

Cleanups Questions and Stories--Overview and Form to Send Question or Story

Code Enforcement Questions (This page contains an Overview and Form to Send Question)

Neighborhood Quality of Life Questions--Overview and Form to Send Question

Community Development Corporation (CDC) Questions--Overview and Form to Send Question

Zoning Questions--Overview and Form to Send Questions

Economic development Issues--Overview and Form to Send Question

HOA and Deed Restriction Questions--Overview & Form to Send A Question

Environmental Issues for Communities Question--Overview & Form to send a Question

Housing Questions -- Overview & Form to Send a Question

Civic Engagement Question--overview & Form to Send Your Question

Rural Development Question--Overview and Form to Send A Question

Uncategorized Questions from Visitors, With Answers--With Form to Send Question


About describes the background of the website and current editor.   Newsletter Archive provides links to back issues of our almost-monthly newsletter, Good Community Plus, previously known as Useful Community Plus and before that, Quick Notes. Contact Us is a general contact form, although please use the community development question page on the navigation bar if you are asking a question about substance and would like an answer.  We also include a page about our Starting a Neighborhood Association Ebook.

What's New is a record of the newest articles on the site and is formally titled a blog.

In the footer of pages, you will find a link to Website Disclosure, which  explains that we use Google ads and might use some other sponsorships in the future.  If so, we'll tell you when you click this page. The Privacy Policy also is reached also from the footer.

Last but not least, use this Sitemap to the fullest.

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