Ask a Neighborhood Work or Community Development Question

Last Updated: March 25, 2025

This page offers you a good place to ask a community development question.  You can be anonymous if you want to be, but I suspect no one would make fun of you for asking a question. The form and specific directions for this easy process are further down on this page. We define the scope of possible inquiries very broadly.  If we accept your question, you receive an answer right here online from one of our editors.  Possibly another visitor will chime in with a helpful addition.

This provides a service not only to an individual site visitor, but also to future readers, who can see the question and our answer, plus any further discussion that people want to add.

Many of you have told us that this question and answer feature is helping with your community work. In fact, some of these have become among the most popular pages on our website, and they will surely help you make and maintain a good community.

We have received so many great questions that we separated them into categories, creating a hub page for each group.  These groupings are shown below, after which this article resumes. 

 But of course, community work topics are enormously varied, so many miscellaneous questions do not fall into any category we have created. Those random but important questions and answers remain reachable from the links below the photo directory and text on this page; you can click the title to see the entire question and answer.

Categories of Questions in This Section: Zoning -- Civic Engagement -- Code Enforcement -- Community Development Corporation -- Neighborhood Quality of Life -- Housing -- HOA and Deed Restrictions -- Environmental Issues for Communities -- Rural Development -- Economic Development.  Miscellaneous questions are shown separately at the bottom of this page.

Finding Other Resources for Information and Advice

Perhaps you really do not want to ask your community development question where it might be seen on this website, even though you can ask anonymously.  There are some excellent reliable resources on the web, although there is plenty of bad advice and jargon-laden pretentious stuff too. We recommend one of two University-based resources, either The Community Tool Box from the University of Kansas or the resources from the Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs.  The American Planning Association site contains more advanced material that may be helpful to planning commissioners and members of boards of zoning adjustment or appeals.

Another possibility is to find some unbiased local experts. You might think your location is too remote to attract experts, but if you're in a developing nation, your national government will have more answers than you think. Provinces and states usually have some experts who can advise you, and there are semi-public agencies and non-profits that can help too. In the U.S., university extension services, community action agencies, regional planning agencies or councils of governments, and any community development corporation or umbrella housing development agency or corporation will be likely to know how to point you in the right direction.

Also remember that you can use the search box to find relevant details on this site. Another particularly useful resource on this site is the yellow box on our sitemap page, where we show links to pdf files of all the pages that might be of interest to particular audiences.

There is no reason to be embarrassed about your need for information, context, or terminology. Just the other day I had to ask a colleague how he understood a term that has popped up in foundation and think tank newsletters that we subscribe to. 

Ask Your Neighborhood or Community Work Question

Returning to our main purpose here, we want to inspire you to ask your question now on this site, using the form just below. We want to help you in your community work. Don't worry about whether you are in the right category or not; we can fix that.  You can leave the name and location blank if you wish.

Each question accepted creates a new web page.  Answers are placed on the same page after the question.  A few questions are not accepted because they are too unclear, vague, specific, or redundant with content already on the website. Or you might stump us.

Have A Question?

Would you like to ask the other visitors and/or the editors a question? Here's your place to ask and then watch for the answers to pop up.

Other Questions and Answers

Click below to see contributions from other visitors, and answers.

How is neighborhood stability related to personal health 
March 20, 2025 Visitor Question: Lately our city has been making a lot of noise about how come our black residents don't have as good of health outcomes …

Nothing for older kids to do 
Visitor Question: I looked at your community improvement ideas, but our problem is something different. We need something for the kids to do. Once …

Can our board president take on a responsibility without anyone knowing about it 
Visitor Question: What happened in our neighborhood is very disappointing to me. It seems like our neighborhood association's board president told the …

Sustainable development presentation to local government and developers 
Visitor Question: Do y'all have a presentation outline for someone to present to local government officials to get them interested in the topics of sustainable …

How a neighborhood association can build a coalition 
Visitor Question: Our neighborhood association does not seem to be getting very far with city hall. We want them to pay more attention to our issues. …

Renter involvement in the neighborhood 
Visitor Question: We seem to have a great deal of difficulty in involving any renters in our neighborhood association and meetings. They are always welcome, …

How can we reduce minor traffic accidents in the neighborhood? 
Visitor Question: The craziest thing is happening around here. In the last couple of years we are having way too many fender benders in our neighborhood. …

What are some transportation strategies for the disabled 
Visitor Question: What are some of the best ways for communities to address the transportation needs of people who are disabled, or differently abled? …

Should only residents of the Village sign petition 
Visitor Question: We live on a lake where about 50% of the houses around the lake are in one Village and the other 50% are in another Village. One …

Being harassed by the city  
Visitor Question: My dad's property is in violation. It has been more than two years since we got the first letter. Today, we got the second administrative …

Name of town should be changed 
Visitor Question: The name of our town, Depue, Illinois, needs to be changed. This town is a beautiful place and has a beautiful lake that is named after …

Stormwater code enforcement 
Visitor Question: What happens if the municipal codes are not enforced and the violation negatively affects the surrounding property? A qualified engineer …

Closed Business Now an Eyesore 
Visitor Question: We have a permanently closed business in our downtown whose owner refuses to sell. He is using it as an online "liquidation sale" location …

How to establish a historical designation of your neighborhood 
Visitor Question: In searching for ways to improve established neighborhoods - would it be possible to call a neighborhood historic if it was only started …

Truck parking at residence 
Visitor Question: My family and I have lived in a neighborhood with no HOA in Atlanta, Georgia for 3.5 years. My husband is a truck driver and has always …

Empty parking lot at a big strip center 
Visitor Question: When you stop and look at it, a huge strip center near my house is really ugly. Mostly my husband and I don't pay attention, but one …

Role of planning in built subdivisions 
Visitor Question: I am finding it to be very confusing why the city planning department has anything to do with our neighborhood organization. They seem …

How to renew interest in a neighborhood association 
Visitor Question: Our neighborhood used to have a very active neighborhood association, and I think we need to have one again. The incorporation papers …

Developer's Plan not filed 
Visitor Question: I purchased a new home in a new seven-phase development, and in hindsight, I never received a Developer's Plan. And, to my dismay, …

Design Standards versus Performance Standards 
Visitor Question: If design standards and performance standards appear in the same division of a development code, can both be used to bring a code violation …

Condo Complex in a PUD Zone 
Visitor Question: Good Morning, I am an Appraiser working on an assignment within a condominium complex that is located in a zoned PUD district. The …

Transit Expansion or Better Transit Operation 
Visitor Question: Some people in our metro area are grappling with the question of whether it is better to expand our light rail system's length or spend …

How registering empty properties helps curb appeal 
Visitor Question: Our community has a number of abandoned and dilapidated buildings that need to be taken down or repaired. Please tell me about the …

Changing the Name of a Town 
Visitor Question: What are the steps in the process of changing the name of a town? Our town and its attending unincorporated areas sharing the same …

Click here to write your own.

Apartment Dumpster Area Problem 
Visitor Question: Should apartment dumpster areas be enclosed for safety and health reasons? If you rent and requested an enclosure be done and still …

What qualifies a church as a Faith Based Community Development Center? 
Visitor Question: What qualifies a church as a Faith Based Community Development Center? Outside of the entities listed below, is there anything else? …

Building just a garage on a lot in a subdivision with an HOA 
Visitor Question: Our HOA has CC&Rs stating one single family use. A lot owner built his house and just bought the lot next door but wants to build a …

How is community development a process 
Visitor Question: Someone recently commented to me that community development is a process and that I need to be patient. I find that frustrating …

Why do community development projects fail 
Visitor Question: I was just wondering why community development projects funded by our taxpayer dollars sometimes seem to fail miserably. What are the …

Steps in a community diagnosis project 
Visitor Question: What are the steps in starting a community diagnosis project? Our neighborhood group wants to start an assessment and diagnosis of …

Is a church parking lot a common area 
Visitor Question: Our condo association wanted to have an event on a large church parking lot that is really central to our residents. The church refused. …

Unit above me caused water leak in my bathroom 
Visitor Question: The unit above me has caused a fifth water leak in my master bathroom. I reported it to code enforcement. They gave her three days to …

Neighbor harassment  
Visitor Question: Our daughter lives in a house we own. She received a violation complaint about items on her porch. These items were buckets and so …

Planning Commissioners' Decisions and Conditional Use Permits 
Visitor Question: Can Planning Commissioners legally reference the General Plan as a basis for their decisions on a conditional use permit? Editors …

Is a gate a fence 
Visitor Question: We purchased a one acre home lot. In our deed it states "no fence" across the 20' pipeline easement on the back of my property. If …

Management company hired by HOA did not respond 
Visitor Question: We purchased a new home with CCRs. We sent a certified letter to the HOA company asking for a waiver on the jet ski being parked in …

Fewer homeowners and tenants are keeping up homes 
Visitor Question: I live in Spokane, WA. I am new here and find this city has a lot of people who are neglecting their landscapes and houses in once …

Nuisance rental property 
Visitor Question: I have contacted both the landlord and City Council about a tenant that lives near me. The tenant engages in drug activities, violence …

Business in a subdivision 
Visitor Question I live in a Texas rural area, three miles from Pleasanton. I have called every county department for answers, and no one knows the answer. …

Membership superstore to benefit the community 
Visitor Question: I am from Pakistan, and I want to solve my community's problems. I want to open a superstore and have community people buy everything …

Building whatever I want 
Visitor Question: If I own a property with no deed restrictions, could I build whatever I want on the property? Or if it was a yurt in Florida would …

Subdivision sells small park to create revenue to improve large park 
Visitor Question: My subdivision owns a small park (1 acre) and a large park (6 acres). We have limited revenue. My question is what requirements …

Rezoning happens during construction 
Visitor Question: What are the options of a developer of an apartment building under construction and the zoning changes to single family houses? …

Grandfather Clause Permitting Outdoor Storage of Fertilizers 
Visitor Question: The business next to mine is claiming they can store Milorganite, fertilizers and the like outside under tarps because of a grandfather …

Best way to identify community needs quickly 
Visitor Question: I am volunteering to help a local church reach out to its surrounding community and open its doors and 40,000 square feet of unused …

Is business community development consultant a good option 
Visitor Question: Hi there. I have completed my degree in community development studies some 4 years back. However I have not managed as yet to find …

Pool Violation Allowed to Continue 
Visitor Question: My neighbor had his pool cage destroyed by Hurricane Irma and has not rebuilt it. He has received a violation and a notice to appear. …

Business model for a Community Development Center with ICT and entrepreneurial courses 
Visitor Question: I am having a challenge of coming up with a social business model canvas to understand how the business at a center that has already …

Innovative Ideas to Unite a Community 
Visitor Question: Our community has become really divided. We had a political scandal involving very bad behavior by our mayor. He was forced to resign, …

Click here to write your own.

What a Community Development Program Actually Does 
Visitor Question: What is the main function of the community development? And what does community development program actually do to further develop …

Most influential factors in neighborhood attachment 
Visitor Question: An article about beatification said that beauty is one of the three most influential factors in neighborhood attachment. What are …

How to deal with a business that is never open 
Visitor Question: We are a little township still with 3,000 people in Crockett, Ca.94525 (bay area). There is a business name removed in the center …

Noise from mosque in residential area 
Visitor Question: Hello. I have been a resident of a six-story building for 20 years. A month ago the private two-story house in between our three …

Reciprocal easements 
Visitor Asks: If reciprocal easements are on the plat of a single family development and some owners don't want their easement and have the board vote …

Persuading city to care about vacant multi family building 
Reviewed: June 17, 2024 Visitor Question: I live in a state with a libertarian tradition, and one ugly result of this is my city does nothing to enforce …

How to Get City to Enforce Ordinance 
Visitor Question: The City where I live has a definite zoning ordinance (Code 82.15) that states commercial vehicles are not to be parked in residential …

Where to Find Easement Information 
Last Updated: August 29, 2020 In this article we explain how to find a description and probably a diagram of a driveway easement. Your county courthouse …

Role of Community Development Organizations in Conflict Resolution 
Visitor Question: What are the causes of conflict and what is the role of community development organisations in their resolution? Editors Reply: …

Minor Grandchild Inherits Abandoned House 
Visitor Question: My son has been deceased for two years. His daughter is a minor. The minor's mom is my deceased son's ex-wife. She (the ex-wife) first …

Advantages and disadvantages of felt need approach 
Visitor Question: What are five advantages and five disadvantages of the felt need approach? Editors' Reply: We don't know whether we can give you …

Career Paths for Addressing Urban Sprawl 
Visitor Question: I was wondering if you might be able to advise. After spending a number of years in retail, I'm looking into changing careers to …

Violent Extremism and Terrorism as Hindrance to Community Development  
Visitor Question: What are the impacts of violent extremism and terrorism from a community development perspective? Editors' Reflection: Thank …

Promise to Planning Board Not Kept 
Visitor Question: What recourse do I have if a developer agreed in a planning board public meeting to make a deed restriction on clearing of buffer in …

Project Management Cycle in Community Development  
Visitor Question: How should local communities manage projects using a results based approach? Editors Reply: For the benefit of other visitors, …

Start a Community Based Non Profit Organization 
Visitor Question: Is an organization limited to one scope? I want our community to have a day care for single and working parents, a land bank (not …

Monitoring Community Development  
Visitor Question: How do you monitor and evaluate a strategy for community development? Editors Reply: Thank you for a great question. We think …

Significance of Strong Institutions in Governance  
Visitor Question: What is the significance of institutions and institutional checks in local governance processes? Editors Reply: Institutions …

Locked Out of Home in Probate 
Visitor Question: My house is in probate, and the electric and water were turned off. I live in an old historic home. They won't allow me to live there …

Who Is a Community Developer 
Site Visitor Asks These Questions: 1. what is community 2. development means what in community 3. what is community planning 4. U.N definition for …

Kennel Preventing Occupancy Permit Issuance 
Visitor Question: I purchased an old house with two kennels built, ONE DIRECTLY BEHIND THE HOUSE AND ONE ADJACENT TO THAT BUILDING. It is zoned light …

Retention Pond Ownership and Maintenance 
I live in a subdivision in Cobb County Georgia. The subdivision contains 2 lakes. The HOA and Covenants were established in 1989. Up to 2007 the lakes …

Community Clean Up Projects Helping Individuals  
I would love to start a community based program where we help other residents with their yard work or other projects. The people I would like to benefit …

Taking Possession of Abandoned House 
My mother had got married to this guy and she passed away. He has abandoned the house. How do I go about getting back into my home? Editors Reply: …

Indigenous Culture and Community Development 
How would you apply the concepts of indigenous culture to community development? Editors Reply: Thanks for that question. First, let's define indigenous …

Click here to write your own.

Non-functioning HOA 
Visitor Question: In the State of Ohio, the developer has deeded the common properties to the HOA. Included in the common properties is a vacant lot …

Developer Extending Our Neighborhood 
Note: When a developer proposes to extend a neighborhood and submits a plan that is quite different from the original subdivision proposal, all sorts …

Neighbor Tree Trimming Issue 
Visitor Question: I am trying to purchase my home. Branches from a tree behind my house have grown over the roof of my house. Please tell me how …

Can Bed and Breakfast Become Group Home? 
Visitor Question: In a non-zoned area, can a property with multiple buildings being used as a bed and breakfast be sold as a residential property for …

City Sign Regulations Too Tough on New Business  
Visitor Question: Our city has refused to allow us to even apply for a permit for a flag to advertise our business. They have railroaded us into 8 months …

Serial Pest in the Neighborhood 
Visitor Question: We have a member of our community who has a slight mental disability, but more behavioral problems, who constantly abuses people. …

Combining subdivided lots 
Visitor Question: I am considering purchasing a 16 acre piece of property. It has already been divided into smaller lots. Can some of the lots be put …

Objection to neighbors variance 
Visitor Question: I live in a small town in New Jersey. The town is only a mile wide and long. New people bought a home next to ours; it is on a …

Restoring an historic "town square" 
Visitor Question: I live in an urban city that annexed an area of the county many years ago that, for a short while, was an independent town. It was …

Definition of Economic Development Corporation 
Visitor Question: What is an economic development corporation? Is that the same thing as a community development corporation? Editors Say : Generally …

Are very large cities better? 
Visitor Question: What are the consequences that we can expect if we continue to allow and encourage larger and larger cities to be built? I think cities …

Auto Repair Business vs. Boat Repair Business 
Visitor Question: Our ordinances limit a boat repair business much more than auto repair. I'm just wondering what the rationale is behind that? I am …

Old building needs love 
Visitor Question: We have a beautification fund in our town that started as a result of junk cars sitting on abandoned lots. Almost the whole town (about …

Is Urban Sprawl a Problem 
Visitor Question: Do you consider this a problem? Why or why not? What are you doing to help solve or prevent this problem? Do you have any suggestions …

Felt needs community development theory 
Visitor Question: What is felt needs theory in community development? Editors Reply: "Felt needs" is an idea about a change that is considered …

How to regulate food trucks 
Visitor Question: I am on the City Council in a nice suburban community with some office parks. Recently food trucks have been parking at lunch time …

Finding a Manufacturer of small community event artifacts? 
I was recently asked to serve as a volunteer on the Recreation Advisory Board (5 board members) in our small rural community of 1900 people. Someone came …

Beautification Projects cost money and North Carolina provides Special Funding or Grants 
Visitor Question: Are grants provided by a State, such as North Carolina, required to be paid back in any way or fashion? How do I find the information …

Aims and Objectives of Community Development 
Last Updated: May 31, 2024 Visitor Question: What are the basic aims and objectives of community development? Editors' Reply: The aims of community …

Community Development tradeoffs 
Visitor Question: What happens when conflicts arise between the policy makers and some of the community members, such as the community thinking jobs …

How to become an urban planning consultant 
Visitor Question: How does one go about becoming an urban planning consultant? Are there any educational or licensing requirements? Editors' Reply: …

Essential Steps in Strategic Planning for Communities 
Visitor Question: What are the most important steps in a strategic planning process for a community? Is it necessary to do a SWOT analysis? Editors' …

Searching for Measurement Scales, Questionnaires, and Surveys for a Thesis 
Visitor Question: I am a student in the process of writing my thesis. My topic is Sense of Community and Community Development. I am in search of an …

How can a community improve a neighborhood 
Visitor Question: What are some ways in which a community can get involved in improving a neighborhood? Editors' Reply: Juan, you ask a question …

How community can evaluate their parks  
Visitor Question: We need to know what to look for when evaluating our neighbourhood parks? What should we look for. Editors' Reply: We think neighborhood …

Click here to write your own.

How do you give a neighborhood character? 
Visitor Question: Our neighborhood seems plain. What can we do about it? Editors' Reply: We elaborate on both neighborhood character and small …

Saw the New Page about Recycling Buildings 
Visitor Question: I was doing a search and I found the page about recycling buildings. I guess it is new because when I was doing a paper about this …

What is a CDFI 
Reviewed: May 31, 2024 Visitor Question: I heard that a CDFI can be important in neighborhood revitalization. What is that anyway? Must have something …

1960s Suburb Needs Refreshing 
Visitor Question: Our 1960s suburb used to be the envy of the city. Our reputation was of great homogeneous neighborhoods, a wonderful place to raise …

Click here to write your own.

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