Contact Us at
"A Good Community"

Last Updated: June 14, 2024

The very best way to contact us is to use the e-mail form below.  I usually respond promptly to website business, inquiries about paid consulting work.  If there is a need for further interaction, I will send you an e-mail.

I also listen patiently and thoughtfully to your general comments about the website or about a specific page.  If commenting on a specific page, please tell us which page, as the form does not show us where you were looking when you decided to make a comment. We may or may not answer you back when you just send us an opinion, but you can bet we will read and consider it.


Many visitors have started using this page to ask us for advice.  I will no longer respond to those requests, as we have a mechanism specifically for asking questions.  You can ask your question anonymously, or tell the world your name and city if you wish, by using the form on the Community Development Questions page.   We then answer on a new web page visible to everyone, but we send you the link at the time the answer is posted is on the web.

I look forward to getting to know our visitors!

What Would You Like to Say to Us?

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in. You also must check the check boxes or decide you will not do so, and you will need to complete the captcha "I am a human" challenge successfully.

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