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New Website Is Up and Running
June 18, 2024

IMPORTANT! In July this email series will be called Good Community Plus, with a tagline below "from" The "from" on your email will show as: If your email program is picky, you might want to whitelist that address.

I am very excited to say that the new site, A Good Community, has launched. See more detail below.

The website now has been transferred to A Good Community, with the tagline How to Make and Keep One.

You as a part of this group do not need to resubscribe. If you forget or have saved some bookmarks, the old website name will redirect to the new one.

We have reorganized the site somewhat, but the should be up to date. The Search box also is operational.

Less reliable for a few days or weeks will be the breadcrumbs at the ends of articles, which show you where you are on the website. There are no attempts yet to update the pdf files shown on the Sitemap in the yellow box.

Considering the large amount of reorganizing done, there will be a few other glitches. Feel free to reply to this email or use the contact form on the site if you see one.

I will send the next regular issue of Good Community Plus on a Thursday in July. Reply to this email if you have a comment. For questions, please use the public-facing page to ask your question. I will answer them on a page that becomes viewable on our website, but your email address won't show. You can be anonymous if you wish.

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